Shopping FAQs


What are your shipping options?

We offer free standard shipping for all orders. Additionally, we provide expedited shipping options at an additional cost based on your location.

How long does shipping take?

Free standard shipping typically takes 10-15 business days, while expedited shipping takes 5-9 business days. Please note that these timeframes may vary during peak seasons or due to unforeseen circumstances.

Do you offer international shipping?

Yes, we offer international shipping to several countries, including the 48 contiguous United States, Canada, Mexico, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Spain, and Italy. For shipping to other countries, please contact us at for customized shipping information.

How much does shipping cost?

Standard shipping is free for all orders. The cost of expedited shipping is calculated based on the weight, dimensions, and selected shipping method. You can view the expedited shipping cost during the checkout process.

When will my order ship?

We aim to process all orders promptly. Typically, free shipping orders are processed within 1-3 business days, while expedited shipping orders are processed within 1 business day. For more details, please refer to our Shipping Policy.

How do I check the status of my order?

To check your order status, visit the Track Your Order page on our website. You'll need to input your order number and the email address used when placing the order. If you don't receive an email, please check your spam or junk folder.



What payment methods do you accept?

We accept major credit cards, including Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Maestro, JCB, Diners Club, and Discover. We also offer in-page credit card payments powered by Oceanpayment and PayPal Express Checkout for a seamless checkout process.

  • PayPal (Debit Cards and Credit Cards)
  • Paypal Express Checkout (Recommended)
  • In-page Credit Cards supported by Airwallex (Recommended)

Is it safe to enter my payment information on your website?

Yes, we prioritize the security of your payment information. Our website utilizes secure encryption technology to protect your data and ensure a safe checkout experience. Your credit card and bank numbers are never seen by the seller or merchant, and you are protected against unauthorized payments.

Why was my payment declined?

Payment failures can occur due to internet shopping limits or international transaction limits set by your bank or payment provider. Here are some possible solutions:

  • Try using a different card for payment.
  • Contact your bank or payment provider to adjust your transaction limits for online or international purchases.
  • Use an alternative payment option like PayPal if your credit cards are not working.
  • For further assistance, contact us at

Where can I find discount coupons?

We offer permanent and promotional discount coupons. Here are some available options:

  • Use the code "5USD" to save $5 on your first purchase.
  • Apply the code "SHOPNEW" to save 10% on products with the "NEW" tag.
  • Subscribe to our email list to receive a 10% off coupon code for new subscribers.
  • Stay updated on our website for big events, festival sales, and new arrivals to enjoy discounts of up to 50% off. (Sign Up now)


Order Status

How can I check the status of my order?

After placing your order, you will receive a confirmation email with a tracking number. You can use this tracking number to monitor the progress of your shipment on our website (Track Your Order) or the shipping carrier's website.

The status of your order will go through several stages:

  • Ordered: Your order has been successfully placed, and we have received your payment.
  • Packaging: Our team is carefully preparing your items for shipment. This stage involves quality checks, packaging, and labeling.
  • Order Ready: Your order is packed and ready for pickup by the shipping carrier. It is awaiting collection.
  • In Transit: Your order has been picked up by the shipping carrier and is in transit to the destination.
  • Out for Delivery: Your order is currently out for delivery and will be delivered to your specified address soon.
  • Delivered: Your order has been successfully delivered to the specified delivery address.

Can I modify or cancel my order after it has been placed?

We prioritize quick processing and shipping, so we recommend contacting our customer support team before fulfillment if you need to modify or cancel your order. While we cannot guarantee changes, we will do our best to accommodate your request.

What should I do if I receive a defective or incorrect item?

We apologize for any inconvenience. If you receive a defective or incorrect item, please contact our customer support team within 7 days of receiving your order through our online chat widget or by emailing We will promptly assist you in resolving the issue.

How do I return items?

To start a return, please contact us at or reach out to our customer service through live chat. If your return is accepted, we will provide you with a return shipping address and instructions on how and where to send your package. Please note that we do not accept returns without prior authorization. Ensure that you send out the returns within 1 week of receiving the return address to be eligible for an exchange or refund. For more detailed information, please refer to our Refund Policy.

When will I get my refund?

We strive to process returns as quickly as possible. Once we receive and inspect your return, we will notify you of the approval status for the refund. If approved, the refund will be automatically issued to your original payment method within 1-3 business days, equivalent to the purchase price. Please note that USINEPRO.COM is not responsible for returns lost in transit.



How do I determine the right size for my steel toe work shoes?

To find the correct size for your steel toe work shoes, we recommend referring to our sizing chart, which is available on each product page. Measure your foot length and compare it with the chart to determine the appropriate shoe size. If you require further assistance, please contact our customer support team through our online chat widget or via email at

What if the shoes I ordered don't fit?

If the shoes you ordered don't fit, please contact our customer support team for guidance on how to exchange or return the item. We understand that finding the perfect fit can be challenging, so we offer one-time free exchanges for the first order of every customer.

Do you offer wide or narrow width options?

Our product range includes various width options, including wide and medium sizes, for select shoe models. Please refer to the product descriptions or use the search function on our website to find available width options. Additionally, all styles starting with "S" are 3E wide shoes.

Safety Work Shoes

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